Monday, August 24, 2009

I'm here!

Yes lady's and gentlemen, I'm speaking to you from sunny Florida. I've been really procrastinating on this thing, I'm not really sure of what to write here, so I'm just going to write whatever comes to mind. Today I had an Odyssey to find a bike. I got this sweet vintage raleigh bike with a basket on the back. The guy who sold it to me was some sort of connoisseur of bikes, really nice guy. I had a 10 mile journey home, so I went down the "ripped backside" of Tampa. It's really lush, but you can tell you're in the South. The brand-verse here is completely foreign to me. CVS pharmacy, chick-fil-a, checkers, sonic burger there's very little I recognize! I'm trying to think in gallons, farenheit and miles, but it's hard, I'm always trying to convert to something familiar. Especially with money! My God, everything's crazy, toothpaste can cost you a good $4 while I found a dozen eggs for $0.75.

Today I attended my first TA class. The grading scheme for these poor first year students is wild!
97-99.9 is an A+, 87-89.9 is B+ and 59.9 and below is an F!!! Poor kids get double screwed! Triple screwed if you remember in Canada, if you get an 89.5, I'm rounding you up to a 90! No wonder many students don't reach completion! I realize under this system I would have completely flunked school and I wouldn't even be here doing my PhD. It's a little harsh on late bloomers.

Here's a photo of the cool guy who sold me my bike with the philosoraptor.

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